About Us

Eko Boys To Men Association is a network of illustrious men devoted to empowering their communities by building community deep in the hearts of Lagos islanders, Resulting to ending Poverty and prosperity,  goodwill, and peace.

Eko Boys to Men Association is a not for profit and non political organisation who firmly and solemnly resolve to provide for themselves a constitution and to be governed by the provisions therein contained.

Eko Boys To Men gains a unique sense of purpose by bringing goodwill to the people we serve

What we do

  • Foster Cooperation, unity, & understanding amongst its members to promote their mutual interest.
  • Empower & facilitate growth amongst members economically, socially and provide support to Members in challenging times.
  • To Provide Support & undertake Activities which Promote Service to humanity, leadership & good citizenship.
  • Contribute positively to the advancement, development & Prosperity of Lagos Island.
  • To advance & Promote Sustainable development for the benefit of the Lagos Island Community by Encouraging & enhancing good Community relations, family & Cultural Values.

Explore our causes


Access to clean water, sanitation and hygiene


Making learning possible for students of all ages


promoting food security and good nutrition


Fighting diseases


Rebuilding Lagos Island

Our mission statement

To serve the Lagos Island communities by fostering cooperation, unity, prosperity & understanding amongst members and community

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