EBTM retreat, December 2023

Summary on Retirement Talk at the EBTM retreat, December 29, 2023

The presentation provided insight into the following
✅ Retirement is the time when all the money and plans one sets for a rainy day have to begin to work
✅Psychology of retirement (*Who is who* to a *who are you* ) and how to be ready through emotional transition – because it can take a bad toll on the mind if we do not prepare psychologically
✅ She shared about 11 questions to ask ourselves to deal with psychology of retirement e.g what will I be doing ? What impact will my retirement have on my family? How do I spend my time m? Etc

✅ She said we shouldn’t just retire from something but have *something to retire to* this can be done by adjusting our perspective
✅ She showed us her typical structure work activities in retirement , which can allow you have a clear a purposeful and fulfilling retirement
✅ She advised and counseled that we should not use our children’s retirement plan
✅ The presentation highlighted how to prepare for retirement.e.g downsizing your debt , create financial plan, estimate resources, ready your children and family etc
✅ Strong financial planning was recommended for our retirement money
✅ Easiest way to protect our retirement money are : Develop Financial forecast , Diversify portfolio, Asset Mix , keep some cash on Hand
✅ Also emphasize on wellness and health and exercising
✅ Creating legacy was pointed out and deciding on what to give back to community
✅ Also encourage us to live a life of impact
✅ Advises that we shouldn’t be too secretive, about our passwords, bank details, Will, Safe locks, and Necessary documentation to our love ones like spouses or children and other trusted ones in case something happened unexpectedly
✅ Ready to start business in retirement was enumerated e.g pursuing a passion , staying active, staying social,etc
✅ She encourages us to invest in Relationships that fuel our passions- keep , younger friends to challenge you and keep you informed within your space
✅ Prepare yourself for Board roles by knowing your strength and also keeping the right associations etc
✅ She said we should embrace technology and the digital space
✅ she encourages us not to lose the swagger
✅ She implores us to ensure our children learn the value of money early , so that they won’t add to our retirement pressure
✅ she advises that we avoid bad wagon culture, Aso-ebi syndrome, money schemes with ridiculous offers and avoid reckless friends

Summary on Health Talk @ the Retreat

Dr Tonade

The presentation provided insight into the following
✅ We should have a proactive approach to health instead of a reactive approach- in other words prevention is better than cure
✅ Pointed out common health concerns for men bcos different lifestyle: biological and social factors.
✅ she lusted common health as Heart Diseases – Diabetes – Stroke – Liver Disease – Cancer – Other Respiratory Diseases – STDs- Depression – Influenza & Pneumonia
✅ She encouraged eating a variety of foods and consuming less SALT , SUGAR etc
✅ Deficiencies in these Vitamin, A, B, C and E and Zinc, Iron can weaken parts of our immune system
✅ she encourage us to avoid food that provide little nutritions.g Pizza 🍕, Sodas 🥤, Ice cream 🍦 etc and focus more on Vegetables 🥦, Nuts 🥜, Beans 🫘, etc
✅ Maintaining healthy weight to avoid Type 2 Diabetes by consuming balance diet
✅ On food , she emphasized that , the Rice 🍚 and the grains should be “side dishes” while maintaining meal should be the vegetable and soup
✅ We need to exercise to be fit and reap benefits like Better mood, Good sleep 💤, Improved productivity, Confidence and long life etc
✅ she encourages us to practice preventive healthcare approach – CheckUps and Screenings -These will help in early detection of silent killers and monitoring Chronic conditions while screening will help detection if you have breast or prostate Cancers etc.
✅ we received 8 Tips of better sleep hygiene- make your sleep space relaxing, limit daytime napping to few minutes so you can sleep better at night etc
✅ She gave us a comprehensive talk on Mental health matters – she encourages us to do self care , doing things that help us live well , manage stress , lower risk of illness and increase your energy . Also advise we seek professional help where needed etc

End of Year Party after the retreat

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